

7 Your rights

You may have certain rights in relation to your personal data. We have listed below the rights you have over your personal data.

  • • You can withdraw your consent at any time if you have given consent on a particular processing activity relating to your personal data.
  • • You can ask us to confirm if we are processing your personal data.
  • • You can ask for access to your personal data.
  • • You can ask to correct your personal data if it is incorrect.
  • • You can ask us to delete your personal data. Deletion of your personal data (account) can also be conducted by yourself at
  • • You can ask us to restrict how we use your personal data.
  • • You can ask us to stop using your personal data.
  • • You have the right to complain to the relevant supervisory authority.

A kind reminder that the above rights are not absolute and will only apply in certain circumstances.

You can exercise the above rights by contacting us at

Скачиваем Airdroid на русском для ПК и устанавливаем

Итак, чтобы пользоваться программой Аирдроид, скачиваем и устанавливаем ее на компьютере. Наберите в поиске название данного ПО или откройте ссылку в браузере – «». Нажмите на сайте кнопку «Windows», после чего загрузится установщик программы (скрин 1).

Кликните несколько раз по установщику и нажимаете «OK», затем «Далее», «Принимаю».

В конце, подтверждаете завершение установки кнопкой «Установить». Когда программа установится и откроется, создаете для нее учетную запись.

Далее входите под логином и паролем в программу Аирдроид. Вместе с тем, можете воспользоваться браузерной версией программы – «».

Можно создать аккаунт программы в браузере и ею пользоваться.

Управление телефоном с компьютера

Возможности AirDroid

  • управление установленным ПО
  • принятие и совершение звонков
  • чтение и отправку SMS
  • работу с контактами
  • обмен файлами
  • демонстрацию рабочего стол мобильного устройства
  • создание резервных копий важных данных

Установка ПО и регистрация

Вам понадобится установить на смартфон и компьютер соответствующие версии приложения, первое из которых будет служить сервером, а второе клиентом. AirDroid поддерживается удаленное управление также через браузер с помощью веб-клиента, доступного по адресу

В этом случае устанавливать на компьютер десктопный клиент необязательно. Установка ПО проходит в пару кликов, что на ПК, что на смартфоне, но начать им пользоваться Вы сможете только после регистрации на сайте разработчика

Мобильный AirDroid

Рабочее пространство мобильного приложения имеет три вкладки: Мне, Инструменты и Передача. Первая вкладка содержит общие настройки и параметры конфиденциальности.

Большая часть функций доступа по умолчанию отключена, включите их, если хотите ими пользоваться. Для некоторых из них, например, функции «Дистанционное управление» Вам могут понадобится права root, а для функции поиска потерянного телефона — включение геолокации.

Вкладка «Инструменты» содержит набор полезных утилит, не имеющих непосредственного отношения к удаленному управлению.

В набор входит

  • файловый менеджер
  • средство создания бекапов мультимедийного контента
  • чистильщик памяти
  • модуль включения раздачи Wi-Fi

Содержимое вкладки «Передача» носит по большей части информативный характер…

Интерес здесь представляет лишь раздел AirDroid Web, содержащий локальный адрес для доступа к телефону через десктопный браузер…

Управление через десктопный клиент

Использование десктопного клиента — наиболее удобный и функциональный вариант удаленного управления телефоном. Передача файлов и папок осуществляется простым их перетаскиванием в окно клиента, при этом файлы автоматически загружаются в каталог Transfer. Отправить с локального компьютера файл или папку можно также нажатием соответствующей иконки. Дополнительно поддерживается создание и отправка скриншотов. Полноценный обмен обеспечивает файловый менеджер, с помощью которого можно не только копировать данные с ПК на телефон и обратно, но и создавать удаленно папки, перемещать, удалять и просматривать файлы во встроенном вьювере.

Выбрав на панели инструментов «Дистанционное управление», Вы можете включить основную или фронтальную камеру для наблюдения за происходящим. Удаленно подключить к телефону клавиатуру компьютера для набора текста, вывести на рабочий стол ПК экран мобильного устройства и открыть сеанс удаленного управления. Правда, эта функция поддерживается только на рутированных устройствах либо не рутированных, но подключенных к компьютеру по USB-кабелю. Также на панели инструментов Вы найдете средства управления уведомлениями, историей звонков, SMS и контактами.

Управление через мобильный клиент

Альтернативой управлению через десктопное приложение является использование веб-клиента, доступного по адресу

Последний по сути является браузерной страницей с интерактивными элементами управления. В левой ее части располагаются ярлыки быстрого доступа к каталогам и функциям мобильного гаджета…

Например, клик по ярлыку «Изображения» откроет панель управления фотографиями, клик по ярлыку «Музыка» предоставит доступ к имеющимся на телефоне аудиофайлам…

Чтобы передать файл с компьютера на удалённый гаджет, достаточно перетащить его на поле панели…

Поддерживается также просмотр, скачивание файлов и их удаление. Похожим образом производится управление другими типами данных, допустим если файл с ПК нужно передать в папку, можно воспользоваться инструментом «Файл», или плавающим виджетом в правой части страницы веб-клиента.

С его помощью Вы можете открывать на смартфоне URL-адреса. Передавать в буфер обмена текст и даже устанавливать приложения перетаскиванием в специальное поле APK-файлов.

В верхней части окна веб-клиента имеется еще одна панель с набором инструментов. Позволяющих в удаленном режиме совершать звонки, отправлять и читать SMS…

Helping businesses stay efficient in the mobile era

Different from the remote access software like TeamViewer, AirDroid Business offers a full-fledged device management solution in addition to robust remote control. Businesses and organizations need to have the capabilities of device and screen monitoring, app management and distribution, as well as restricting devices. We can’t imagine that you are only finding out issues long after they had happened and spending hours trying to find out what the root cause was.

AirDroid Business can help businesses anticipate and prevent malfunctions from happening through our status dashboard, alerts, reporting and logs to monitor in real-time. You can also lockdown your devices to allow only the necessary apps and services to reduce IT workload. When there is a new feature update or security patch, you can use Application Management Service to strategically plan your rollout in stages to secure the process and minimize risks. Everything can be done remotely without your IT team needing to be onsite or any manual assistance.

We at Sand Studio are dedicated to helping our users and customers achieve their productivity and business goals every day. Contact us to discuss your product needs, partnership, media relations, and support.

8 Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device and are widely used to make our websites work and perform other functions. We use the following types of cookies:

  • • Essential cookies are necessary to provide you with services and features available through our websites. Without these cookies part or all of the functions of our websites cannot be performed properly.
  • • Analytics cookies are used to understand how users engage with our websites, for example, to generate site usage statistics.
  • • Advertising cookies are used to display more relevant advertisements and measure advertising campaign performance.

For information on how we use these cookies and how you can manage your cookie preferences, please contact

Data Center & Security Infrastructure

AirDroid uses Amazon Web Services to host our cloud infrastructure, products, and services, so that we’re able to provide our customers and users with a secure network and computing environment. These protection and security measures include firewalls at the network, application and instance layers, data encryption, DDoS mitigation, and more. In addition, all servers storing sensitive data are located in Silicon Valley and Germany.

All AirDroid servers are placed in secure data centers compliant with ISO 27001. The data centers used by AirDroid have implemented first-class security control, which means that personal access control, camera monitoring, motion detectors, 24/7 all-day monitoring, and on-site security will ensure that only authorized personnel can enter the data center. The highest security standards are applied to hardware and data protection. The single entry point of the data center also has detailed identification check protocols. All of these measures work together to ensure the highest security standards for hardware and data protection.

Choosing between AirDroid Business and AirDroid Remote Support

AirDroid Business is designed for managing unattended devices to which you have full ownership and administrative rights, and you can access these devices without anyone’s consent. AirDroid Business is also perfect for companies to manage their own devices, such as self-service kiosks, vending machines, or POS systems.

Use case: Logistics company

Logistics and transportation companies need to manage devices assigned to each truck driver, such as restricting non-work uses and unapproved app installations. IT admins also need to remotely support truck drivers when there’s an issue with the device.

  • Enroll and set up devices for the drivers in bulk to save time.

  • Use single-app mode and app whitelist to allow access for only company apps.

  • Remotely publish updates to drivers’ devices in bulk automatically.

  • Monitor device screens, status, and activities of devices and drivers in real-time.

  • Remotely control and resolve device issues directly and quickly.

  • Pricing

    AirDroid Business is charged by the number of devices in your deployment.

Learn more about AirDroid Business

Remote Support is not designed for supporting unattended devices. It’s ideal for devices that are manufactured and sold to customers by your company. Your customers own the devices but may require hardware or software support after the sale.

Use case: Hardware manufacturer

You are a hardware manufacturer that sells devices to system integrators or end customers. Support will be required when there’s an issue with the device. Remote Support not only provides the privacy and security that customers need but also an easy and out-of-the-box experience. OEM partnership is also available for you to customize the interface and showcase your brand.

  • Your customer only needs to provide the 9-digit connection code shown on the Remote Support app for your agent to connect to the device upon permission. Your agent can then use screen sharing, voice chat, and various tools to assist customers with an issue.

  • During screen sharing, your support agent can use remote control to resolve a complex issue directly for the customer and minimize device downtime.

  • *Please contact our sales team for OEM partnership details.

  • We offer the most ideal remote support solution with comprehensive security measures. Your customers’ devices can’t be connected or controlled without their permission. Upon request, your customers can get help by providing a unique connection code to your support team.

  • Pricing

    Remote Support is charged by the number of seats required for your operation. Each agent with assigned seat can support unlimited devices to help reduce operational costs for your company.

Learn More

4 Sharing of your personal data

We do not sell, lease, rent or give away your personal data except under the circumstances set out below:

  • • We may share your personal data with other members of our group of companies so we can provide the best services across our group. They are bound to keep your information in accordance with this policy.
  • • We may also share your personal data with certain contractors or service providers. They will process your personal data on behalf of us, for example, database service providers, advertising agencies, or customer relation management service providers. Our contractors and service providers will be required to meet our standards on processing data and security. The information we provide to them, including your personal data, will only be provided in connection with the performance of their functions.

Your personal data may be disclosed or transferred to other third-party organisations under the following circumstances:

  • • If we are discussing selling or transferring part or all of our business – your personal data may be transferred to prospective purchasers under suitable terms as to confidentiality.
  • • If we are reorganised or sold, your personal data may be transferred to a buyer who can continue to provide the Services to you.
  • • If we are required to by law, or under any regulatory code or practice we follow, or if we are asked by any public or regulatory authority to disclose your personal data.
  • • If we are defending a legal claim, your personal data may be disclosed or transferred as required in connection with defending such claim.
  • • If we have obtained your explicit consent in advance.

Your personal data may be shared if it is made anonymous and aggregated, as in such circumstances the anonymized data will cease to be personal data.

Mobile devices in the PC era

2011 was the turning point for the entire world to move from the PC era to mobile internet. We were inspired by the exciting transformation and the endless possibilities, but we also saw the growing chasm between PC and mobile. The world was moving towards mobile and it quickly took over many aspects of our everyday lives, including social media, photography, entertainment, and even at work. We started to have applications built only for the mobile platforms, but yet we still couldn’t live without PC, especially for productivity and in work capacity. We were forced to switch between two different platforms and had compatibility challenges. So we decided to build an application that doesn’t require us to install anything on the computer (Windows/Mac/Linux), nor do we need physical cables and drivers. Instead, people were able to use just a browser on the computer to wirelessly connect to the mobile device and perform everyday tasks like sending text messages, make phone calls, check call logs, manage multimedia files, receive notifications, and even control it remotely. This application became the popular productivity app that we know today – AirDroid, an innovative application that lets you easily manage your Android devices from a web browser.

The beginning

Like many garage startups during the college days, before becoming a company in 2011, Sand Studio was born out of a vision to change the world with innovative technologies.

  • 2011: Sand Studio was founded in California and the team started working on the original AirDroid app.
  • 2018: We moved our headquarters to Hong Kong and started building a team towards the International marketplace.
  • 2019: A new business team was built in Taipei to provide better support and service to our global customers.
  • 2020: Our international business was growing, which led us to open our new Headquarters in Singapore. Now the Sand Studio & AirDroid team has over 50 people with diverse backgrounds and skillsets, dedicated to solving problems and providing solutions to our users and customers around the world.

8 Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your device and are widely used to make our websites work and perform other functions. We use the following types of cookies:

  • • Essential cookies are necessary to provide you with services and features available through our websites. Without these cookies part or all of the functions of our websites cannot be performed properly.
  • • Analytics cookies are used to understand how users engage with our websites, for example, to generate site usage statistics.
  • • Advertising cookies are used to display more relevant advertisements and measure advertising campaign performance.

For information on how we use these cookies and how you can manage your cookie preferences, please contact

Выбор между AirDroid Business и AirDroid Remote Support

AirDroid Business предназначен для управления автономными устройствами, на которые вы имеете полное право собственности и административные права, а также в любое время можете получить к ним доступ без чьего-либо согласия. AirDroid Business также идеально подходит для компаний, управляющих собственными устройствами, такими как киоски самообслуживания, торговые автоматы или системы кассовых терминалов.

Вариант использования: Логистическая компания

Логистическим и транспортным компаниям необходимо управлять устройствами, закрепленными за каждым водителем грузовика, например ограничивать не связанное с работой использование и установку несанкционированных приложений. Системным администраторам также необходимо удаленно поддерживать водителей грузовиков при возникновении проблем с устройством.

  • Внедряйте и настраивайте устройства для водителей в большом объеме, чтобы сэкономить время.

  • Используйте единый режим приложения и белый список приложений, чтобы разрешить доступ только для приложений компании.

  • Автоматически удаленно публикуйте обновления для устройств водителей в большом объеме.

  • Выполняйте мониторинг экранов, состояния и активности устройств и водителей в режиме реального времени.

  • Получайте оповещения по электронной почте, когда с устройствами происходит что-то критическое, например превышение предельного объема данных. Контролируйте ситуацию, пока она не вышла из под контроля.

  • Удаленно управляйте и решайте проблемы с устройствами напрямую и быстро.

  • Стоимость

    Плата за AirDroid Business взимается в зависимости от количества устройств в вашей области развертывания.

Узнать больше об AirDroid Business

Remote Support не предназначен для поддержки автономных устройств. Продукт идеально подходит для устройств, которые ваша компания производит и продает своим клиентам. Устройства принадлежат вашим клиентам, но после продажи им может потребоваться аппаратная или программная поддержка.

Вариант использования: Производитель аппаратного обеспечения

Вы производитель аппаратного оборудования, который продает устройства системным интеграторам или конечным потребителям. При возникновении проблемы с устройством потребуется поддержка. Remote Support не только обеспечивает необходимую клиентам конфиденциальность и безопасность, но и простоту и готовность использования. Партнерство в плане изделий собственного производства также доступно для вас, что позволит индивидуально настроить интерфейс и продемонстрировать свой бренд.

  • Ваш клиент должен предоставить только 9-значный код подключения, показанный в приложении Remote Support, что даст возможность вашему агенту подключиться к устройству после получения разрешения. После этого ваш агент сможет использовать совместный доступ к экрану, голосовой чат и другие различные инструменты, чтобы помочь клиенту разрешить проблему.

  • Имея общий доступ к экрану клиента, ваш агент поддержки может использовать удаленное управление для решения сложной проблемы напрямую, минимизируя время простоя устройства.

  • Партнерство в плане изделий собственного производства*

    Оформите в соответствии с личными требованиями интерфейс приложения, логотип компании и другие параметры, чтобы отображать свой бренд на устройствах клиентов.

    * Свяжитесь с нашим отделом продаж для получения информации относительно OEM-партнерства.

  • Мы предлагаем самое идеальное решение для удаленной поддержки с комплексными мерами безопасности. Устройства ваших клиентов нельзя подключать или контролировать без их разрешения. По запросу, ваши клиенты могут получить помощь, предоставив вашей группе поддержки уникальный код подключения.

  • Стоимость

    Оплата за Remote Support зависит от количества мест, необходимых для вашей работы. Каждый агент с отведенным для него местом может поддерживать неограниченное количество устройств, что помогает снизить операционные расходы для вашей компании.


The birth of AirDroid

We first launched AirDroid at the end of 2011, which quickly became one of the top productivity apps on the Google Play Store in many regions, averaging more than 4 stars ratings, and receiving praises and award recognitions from media around the world. Even today, we are constantly trying to take feedback and improve the experience of AirDroid to make sure that it continues to serve the needs of our users. Along the way, we saw the rising need of remote control and remote assistance that led us to create more products and solutions, including AirMirror, AirDroid Remote Support, AirDroid Cast, and AirDroid Business.

Session Encryption & Authentication

When establishing a session, AirDroid will determine the best connection type. After the server completes the handshake, 80% of all connections will utilize the TLS tunnel (https or wss), while the rest connects via TCP or UDP.

AirDroid’s communication utilizes RSA public/private keys as well as AES (256-bit) session encryption that is similar to https/SSL, and is compliant with all current security standards.

Since the private key never leaves the client computer, this process ensures that the system, including the AirDroid routing server, cannot decrypt the data stream; therefore even AirDroid as the server owner, cannot read the encrypted data.

7 Your rights

You may have certain rights in relation to your personal data. We have listed below the rights you have over your personal data.

  • • You can withdraw your consent at any time if you have given consent on a particular processing activity relating to your personal data.
  • • You can ask us to confirm if we are processing your personal data.
  • • You can ask for access to your personal data.
  • • You can ask to correct your personal data if it is incorrect.
  • • You can ask us to delete your personal data. Deletion of your personal data (account) can also be conducted by yourself at
  • • You can ask us to restrict how we use your personal data.
  • • You can ask us to stop using your personal data.
  • • You have the right to complain to the relevant supervisory authority.

A kind reminder that the above rights are not absolute and will only apply in certain circumstances.

You can exercise the above rights by contacting us at

6 Where your personal data will be stored

Your personal data may be stored and processed in a country or jurisdiction outside of your country of residence, and that country or jurisdiction may have data protection rules which are different from those of your country of residence.

If we are to transfer your personal data out of your country of residence, we will endeavour to ensure that a similar degree of protection is afforded by putting in place adequate technical, organisational and legal measures.

We store your personal data on cloud servers located across the world. We will only transfer your personal data to jurisdictions outside the scope of the European General Data Protection Regulation (the «GDPR») where the appropriate safeguards set out in the GDPR are in place.

Choosing between AirDroid Business and AirDroid Remote Support

AirDroid Business is designed for managing unattended devices to which you have full ownership and administrative rights, and you can access these devices without anyone’s consent. AirDroid Business is also perfect for companies to manage their own devices, such as self-service kiosks, vending machines, or POS systems.

Use case: Logistics company

Logistics and transportation companies need to manage devices assigned to each truck driver, such as restricting non-work uses and unapproved app installations. IT admins also need to remotely support truck drivers when there’s an issue with the device.

  • Enroll and set up devices for the drivers in bulk to save time.

  • Use single-app mode and app whitelist to allow access for only company apps.

  • Remotely publish updates to drivers’ devices in bulk automatically.

  • Monitor device screens, status, and activities of devices and drivers in real-time.

  • Remotely control and resolve device issues directly and quickly.

  • Pricing

    AirDroid Business is charged by the number of devices in your deployment.

Remote Support is not designed for supporting unattended devices. It’s ideal for devices that are manufactured and sold to customers by your company. Your customers own the devices but may require hardware or software support after the sale.

Use case: Hardware manufacturer

You are a hardware manufacturer that sells devices to system integrators or end customers. Support will be required when there’s an issue with the device. Remote Support not only provides the privacy and security that customers need but also an easy and out-of-the-box experience. OEM partnership is also available for you to customize the interface and showcase your brand.

  • Your customer only needs to provide the 9-digit connection code shown on the Remote Support app for your agent to connect to the device upon permission. Your agent can then use screen sharing, voice chat, and various tools to assist customers with an issue.

  • During screen sharing, your support agent can use remote control to resolve a complex issue directly for the customer and minimize device downtime.

  • *Please contact our sales team for OEM partnership details.

  • We offer the most ideal remote support solution with comprehensive security measures. Your customers’ devices can’t be connected or controlled without their permission. Upon request, your customers can get help by providing a unique connection code to your support team.

  • Pricing

    Remote Support is charged by the number of seats required for your operation. Each agent with assigned seat can support unlimited devices to help reduce operational costs for your company.

Learn more about Remote Support

Learn More

Data Security

AirDroid values each of our user’s data security, including the security of database management and data storage.

Database Security & Management

Regarding database security and management, our developers and system administrators continuously follow the following database and security measures outline:

1. Set restriction policies to allow only authorized system administrators and agents to access our servers.2. Set a strict security access authority strategy, coupled with security audit functionality to record server-related events in real time. 3. Reinforce identity protection with 2FA (two-factor authentication).4. Our firewall only allows ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS), also with bandwidth limits for download and upload. All of the visits are recorded and monitored.5. TLS encryption is used for all communications between servers and databases.

Data Store Security

Regarding the security of data storage, AirDroid can achieve the following specifications:

1. Password policy: The passwords aren’t stored in plain text and are encrypted using one-way hashing. We also recommend our users to follow different levels of password security: low, medium, and high, as well as specifying your own custom password rules.2. Login security: We protect user logins from brute force attempts by putting a cap on bandwidth for each session.3. Logging: Passwords and sensitive data will be excluded from our system logs.4. Analytics: Our analysis tools have IP anonymization implemented to protect user privacy.5. Backups: Our backups are encrypted and stored separately. These backups will be deleted automatically as part of data lifecycle management.6. Content delivery network (CDN): We use Amazon CloudFront as a CDN to distribute APKs uploaded to users’ remote devices as a mechanism to reduce load times for our servers. Note that this may require files to be replicated across different edge servers. 7. Material resources: The uploaded APK and images are stored in Amazon S3.8. HTTPS: We use HTTPS as our standard security protocol, certificates, and forward secrecy. We also prevent misuse for certificates by having Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) records for AirDroid domains.9. Payment: Your payment information and credit card records are not stored on our servers. We’ve partnered with trusted 3rd-party firms like PayPal and Stripe that are Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI) compliant to process payments for our customers.

2 What data we collect and how we use them

We set out below the types of data we collect and the purposes for which we use them.

What we collect How we use it

Information provided during your account set-up process, which includes:

  • • Your username
  • • Your password
  • • Your email address
  • • IP address

For AirDroid Business only:

  • • Your full name
  • • Your company name
  • • Your company address and phone number

• Set up and register account for you and enable you to log in the account

• Process your purchase order for our Services

• Verify users’ identity and prevent fraud and security risks

• Know more how you use your account and personalize your experience


When you access and use our Services, we will collect:

  • • IP address
  • • Your account settings
  • • Your account preferences
  • • Device information, such as your IMEI, IMSI, MAC, Android ID, operating system version, system language, CPU model, memory, hard disk and its usage, etc.

• Provision of Services

• Identify issues with our Services

• Improve our Services


«Tap» behaviour information when you use and operate AirDroid (e.g. the behaviour of tapping «File Transferring» button, «Apps», «Backup» button, etc.)

• Develop new Services

• Improve our Services

• Statistical analysis


Information that we collect through your use of our websites including:

  • • Your account information if you register or log in your account on our websites
  • • Date and time of requests
  • • The requests you make
  • • The pages you visit
  • • IP address

• Provide our Services

• Protect the security of your information

• Identify issues with our websites

• Monitor the way how our websites is used

• Improve our websites


Information on transaction, e.g. when you purchase our Services

• Complete the transaction

• Store as transaction history for future reference

  • • Your contact details (this may include your social media account if that is the way you communicate with us)
  • • The details of your communications with us
  • • Log files you submitted from within AirDroid for product support

• Answer any issues or concerns

• Monitor customer communications for quality improvement and training purposes

• Develop new services

• Improve our Services

• Personalise our Services

• Troubleshoot


When you use the «Find Phone» feature on, we will collect: Device location

• Displayed the location of your device in real time when it’s lost.

6 Where your personal data will be stored

Your personal data may be stored and processed in a country or jurisdiction outside of your country of residence, and that country or jurisdiction may have data protection rules which are different from those of your country of residence.

If we are to transfer your personal data out of your country of residence, we will endeavour to ensure that a similar degree of protection is afforded by putting in place adequate technical, organisational and legal measures.

We store your personal data on cloud servers located across the world. We will only transfer your personal data to jurisdictions outside the scope of the European General Data Protection Regulation (the «GDPR») where the appropriate safeguards set out in the GDPR are in place.

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